The town with the cleanest air in the world

The town with the cleanest air in the world

Ny-Alesund: the place where the cleanest air on Earth is and serves as a global average, housing the largest laboratory for modern Arctic research in existence

London | Started on 01/10/2021 – Concluded on 29/07/2022

Ny-Ålesund is situated on the 79°N parallel (79th parallel north) on Svalbard Archipelago, which makes it the most northerly civilian settlement in the world. It is unique and one of the most peculiar places on Earth, housing the largest laboratory for modern Arctic research in existence alongside a predominant population who are research scientists. It is also the place where the cleanest air on Earth is and serves as a global average.The project was done during the Arctic Polar night season which is when the nighttime lasts for more than 24 hours and this phenomenon lasts for months in the Arctic.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.