Sea Change, Take Action!

Sea Change, Take Action!

The project is a video animation produced to establish an intergenerational dialogue on the impact of climate change in coastal areas and the available adaptation solutions to tackle this problem – It is a call to action for all ages!

Cork | Started on 01/06/2021 – Concluded on 01/12/2021

The project is a 6-minute video animation in plasticine produced as part of the activities of the Coastal Communities Adapting Together/CCAT Project – a project aimed to support coastal communities in understanding climate change and how to adapt (INTERREG/Ireland-Wales Cooperation Programme 2014-2020).

The video animation tells the story of the interaction between a grandfather and his granddaughter about past coastal changes and the future of a coastal area in Ireland – named “The Burrow”, in Dublin County. The grandfather tells his granddaughter how the coast was in the past and shows old pictures of the village. The granddaughter asks if the coast was always the way it looks like nowadays and the grandfather explains the geological formation of this part of the shore. The child tells her grandfather that she went to the beach recently and observed the current erosion that is leading the houses to fall into the sea. She also tells him what she learned about climate change in school and she confesses she is worried about the future. Relevant data about climate change is provided at this point. She asks him if the beach is going to disappear. The grandfather explains that the Earth is constantly changing and that the humans need to adapt to these changes. He explains that they may have to retreat from the coastline or that the government will build coastal defences to protect the beach and to allow people to live there. At this point, coastal adaptation solutions are presented. He explains that the government is studying what option offers the best cost-benefit. The girl tells him that she learned in school that people should also take their part in fighting climate change by reducing the consumption of goods, decreasing the burning of fossil fuels, using renewable energy and combating the dumping of litter into the environment. This intergenerational dialogue fosters the engagement of both children and adults, inspiring collective efforts towards climate action!

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.