Perspectives on Climate Sciences: from historical developments to research frontiers

Perspectives on Climate Sciences: from historical developments to research frontiers

A series of webinars from renowned scientists in the field, about their career and how their scientific results influenced and might influence the community, aimed at young researchers and an educated audience

Rome | Started on 07/10/2020 – Concluded on 14/07/2021

Despite the fact that climate sciences have inevitably gained increasing attention from a broad range of specialists in the scientific community, as well as stakeholders and the general public, a rigorous definition of climate is still elusive. Indeed, climate is a relatively new subject of study, and a notion of climate sciences started to be shaped when scientists from very diverse backgrounds gathered, bringing their own expertise, specifying the fundamental problems and framing the context of the subject. Physicists, chemists, mathematicians, oceanographers, but also archaeologists, economists, social scientists have joined the debate in a vibrant interdisciplinary effort.

After the early pandemic period, a group of early career researchers, scattered among different institutes across Europe and beyond, felt that there was a need to recover the transfer of knowledge from scientists in an advanced stage of their career, particularly those that have gained outstanding recognition for their contribution to the scientific advancement of the different disciplines constituting the notion of climate sciences. To this aim, a webinar series, sponsored by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and open to the public was organized on a bi-weekly basis over almost 1 year time span.

Rather than a scientifically rigorous perspective or retrospective talk, the invited speakers were encouraged to highlight the sometimes unpredictable and surprising paths that led them to unfold their exceptional careers, developing their ideas and disseminating them across the community. Through this, they shared their thoughts about who and what mostly influenced and inspired them, how they came across certain problems and how their background, character and even the historical and geographical environment shaped their view and how they think their expertise helped to open new ways in the common thinking of the research community.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.