Net Earth

Net Earth

A digital primer series on the reality, ubiquity and dangers of the climate crisis—and how we can meet the challenge

New Delhi | Started on 31/05/2022 – Concluded on 07/09/2022

The project, Net Earth, is a response to the communication design problem surrounding climate change, aligning perfectly with the goals of the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra.” We acknowledge that the climate crisis is not just a scientific challenge but also a storytelling crisis; that climate change requires more than just presenting concepts and data; it demands relatable and impactful storytelling. Net Earth does this by utilising simple, innovative multimedia storytelling techniques to break down the climate change scientific jargon.

In Season One, we covered a variety of subjects ranging from the seemingly easy – like the difference between global warming and climate change – to more complex topics like explaining net zero, tipping points and feedback loops. We simplified and contextualised exhaustive global research on climate science, economics, politics and diplomacy – in a clear, simple, slightly funny and hopeful tone. We designed relatable episodes on how to reduce your carbon footprint, and a marquee section in each episode highlighting a climate startup or activist who is effectively scaling an innovative climate solution—to inspire our viewers towards climate action. Besides this, we held regular LIVE chats to host unmoderated conversations with our viewers and crowdsource ideas for what they want to understand next. Which is to say, we employ the Conversations + Community approach.

Net Earth strives to communicate the threats and opportunities posed by the climate change challenge using multiple media, including journalism, videography, infographic design, memes, social media reels and art.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.