Milano, Cartoline da un Futuro Possibile

Milano, Cartoline da un Futuro Possibile

The project aimed at re-creating a sense of place and community in two marginalized neighborhoods of Milano and to share good practices related to climate change adaptation and mitigation as well as social cohesion and resilience

Milan | Started on 01/10/2019 – Concluded on 31/03/2021

“Milano, Cartoline da un Futuro Possibile” , funded by the EU and Fondazione Cariplo and implemented through the No Planet B programme of Fondazione Punto Sud, aimed at restoring the sense of place and community in two peripheral neighborhoods in Milano, Molise-Calvairate-Ponti and Ponte Lambro, both characterized by social fragmentation and sustainability problems. Through a series of interventions and workshops, facilitators and experts shared science-based solutions to sustainability issues such as waste, food production and energy production. Tours of the neighborhoods with a local historian and an architect specialized in urban transformation and renewal challenged the participants to perceive the area not as given and immutable, but as dynamic and to explore the ways in which it could be further transformed. The creation of an urban allotment in an abandoned green space provided hands-on training in permaculture and composting. Finally, storytelling workshops consolidated the learning in visions of the climate-resilient future, which were translated into illustrations or short texts – postcards – collected on a geolocalized Omeka platform.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.