Másfél fok (1,5 Degrees)

Másfél fok (1,5 Degrees)

Bridging the gap between science and media for a climate aware, resilient and proactive society

Budapest | Started on 01/04/2019

The project “Másfél fok” (1.5 Degrees) started in 2019 with a handful of climate scientists to counter climate denialism and skepticism in Hungary and to raise awareness to the dangers of climate change but also to provide solutions to the ecological and climate crisis.In the past 4 years our platform became a major player in supplying the media with scientifically reliable yet understandable content and therefore contributing to the rising general awareness of society. More then 75 experts joined our network and we have published more then 370 articles.

Our role as a non-profit climate science news agency is to provide analyses and also experts to the mainstream media, directly channeling and amplifying the voice of science in public discussions. We work with scientists and journalists to cover the most important topics related to Hungary but in parallel we are also educating the stakeholders with the introduction of topics (such as EU climate policy) that are not widely recognized as important but in reality they are. Our articles are rooted in science, driven by data approach and based on values that are aligned with the best available science (IPCC reports etc.) and the goals of the Paris Agreement. We are not doing this just to communicate science but to catalyse action in society towards climate action and environment protection. To deliver our messages in an even more understandable way we work with artistic graphic designers to simplify and streamline our complex topics. We are also part of a regional hub of similar awareness raising projects exchanging knowledge and articles and boosting climate communication in the CEE region.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.