Let’s unravel this knot!

Let’s unravel this knot!

A guide for kids (and whoever wants) to dig deeper into the links between water, food and energy

Bilbao | Started on 02/02/2021

“Let’s unravel this Knot!” is a science book targeting kids (8-10 ages) specifically aimed at communicating the effects of climate change on ecosystems and its implication for the water, energy, food nexus.

In this book the young readers discover how to track the invisible water hidden in most of the objects we use every day, investigating its links with energy, food and ecosystems. It presents how climate change will affects water resources and consequently our lifestyle and the life of other humans in other regions of the globe.The book is available in four different languages (i.e. English, Spanish, Italian and Basque) and comes accompanied by training materials freely downloadable. Both the book and the training material can be used by teachers, educators and science enthusiastic to raise awareness about the importance of the WEF nexus approach to solve some of the main global sustainability challenges.

The book has been developed in the frame of UNTWIST, an EU-funded project aiming to advance the understanding of Water Energy and Food interactions through the lens of ecosystem services supporting integrated management and governance of the nexus under global change scenarios. The book and the training materials has been already adopted for scientific sessions in some schools in the Basque Country and in the incoming months more sessions are expected to occur also in Italy and in other parts of Spain.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.