Climate mitigation and adaptation demand collaboration and efforts by all groups of actors. KNOWING addresses people from all disciplines, professions and walks of life to join this global endeavour and provides the knowledge, tools and support to change perspectives and developments

Barcelona | Started on 01/01/2023 – Concluded on 31/12/2027

Climate Change will increase the number and intensity of heat waves and weather extremes, which we must adapt to by protecting vulnerable groups and installing resilient infrastructures. It will change the type and yield of crops we will grow and requires us to develop new, more sufficient lifestyles. At the same time, climate mitigation goals must be reached to avoid even more dramatic consequences. This is known.

But how can we make sure to reach decarbonisation goals and adapt in the best possible way to unavoidable climate impacts? Can adaptation measures cause unexpected rebound effects in other areas? How big is the risk that climate mitigation goals are overshoot by emission-intensive adaptation measures? The answers to these and many other questions are unknown.

KNOWING follows a three-pillar strategy for assuring the best possible transfer of knowledge and tools to public authorities, stakeholders, initiatives and the general public by increasing profound and comprehensive knowledge about quantifiable cross-sectoral interactions, complementarity and trade-offs of adaptation and mitigation measures (“knowing what”); general awareness of this knowledge to increase the acceptance and support of measures and inspire active engagement and societal transformation (“knowing why”); tools and guidelines to apply this knowledge and accelerate the implementation of effective adaptation and mitigation plans (“knowing how”).

Hence, KNOWING develops the knowledge and solutions that will help

1. authorities to know which measures and conditions for adaptation to set along climate mitigation pathways 2. businesses, production and service providers to know how to adapt to changing conditions and climate impacts 3. people to know how to adapt their lifestyles in the most sufficient way and why measures need to be set.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.