#HablemosDeEmergenciaClimática (#Let’sTalkAboutClimateEmergency)

#HablemosDeEmergenciaClimática (#Let’sTalkAboutClimateEmergency)

A journalistic research based on Mutante’s social conversation methodology where we asked ourselves about how climate change is affecting different communities and how we can adapt to it in Colombia

Bogotá | Started on 04/07/2022 – Concluded on 01/09/2022

#HablemosDeEmergenciaClimática (#Let’sTalkAboutClimateEmergency) was a Mutante social conversation that allowed us to understand the unknown impacts of climate change, the policies to face it, and how the most vulnerable communities are adapting to it. A social conversation is a multichannel communication methodology divided into three phases: 1. Talk: we devote our channels and tactics to gathering personal stories that help us see the problems from the perspectives of the individuals directly involved in them. 2. Understand: we summon both a community of experts and an audience to contribute with empirical insights that help us understand the causes and consequences of the problems we are investigating and reporting. 3. Act: we develop products and actions, based on informational holes we identify and try to fill up with editorial solutions, helping citizens engage to act upon the problems we have discussed.

We revealed that the current environmental crisis in Colombia is affecting ecosystems, environmental leaders, vulnerable populations, and ethnic communities. While commitments are important, they must be accompanied by real guarantees of action. The emotions evoked by climate change often led our audience to a pessimistic attitude. However, optimistic responses also emerged sharing a common thread: collectivity is essential to save the planet. We also discovered that social inequality amplifies the impact of climate change on impoverished and marginalized communities. The struggle to be recognized as “climate-displaced” is part of a political discussion about considering climate change as a trigger for human mobility, given its multifaceted nature. The experts participating in the digital conversation agreed that clarity regarding terminology is important for monitoring this issue and constructing targeted public policies to address the increasing occurrences.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.