From Climate Change to a Sustainable Energy System

From Climate Change to a Sustainable Energy System

A publishing project consisting in two textbooks, one on climate change and one on energy transition, with freely accessible online updates

Udine | Started on 01/01/2022

According to the mission of the CISM Dept of Energy and Environment(directed by GC) the project provides non-specialists with continuous, independent information on such issues as: How to act quickly enough? How to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies?

The project started with two educational volumes in Italian:

Climate Change (Il cambiamento Climatico), “” Padua, 2022. In Climate Change, the effect of GHG emissions on the Earth energy balance is first discussed in detail from a physical point of view. Afterwards the long-term climatic models and the key points of the IPCC Reports are presented in simplified form. In this framework the consequences of global warming for Land, Ocean and the Cryosphere are fully discussed. Special emphasis is also placed on the thresholds of abrupt, irreversible changes (Tipping Points), and on the sinister property of the Gaussian distribution that explains why a small increase in the global temperature can produce large increases in the frequency of catastrophic events.

Towards a New Energy (Verso una Nuova Energetica), “”,Padua, 2022. In Towards a New Energy the energy transition is presented using a historical approach. The exhaustible primary sources are illustrated first, and the possible role of nuclear fission in the World’s energy supply is discussed. Next, renewable energy sources are examined from the perspective of their possible contribution to a new energy system. Finally, the strategies and technologies needed to decarbonize the Planet are discussed, justifying the priority role that will be played by electricity generation in excess of today’s needs, and the non-secondary role that will be given to hydrogen.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.