Climate Matters

Climate Matters

High-quality, science-based visuals and analyses for media and communicators every week, typically localized to the 200+ media markets in the United States, helping these professionals connect more effectively and efficiently with their audiences and stakeholders

Princeton | Started on 10/02/2012

Each week, we distribute a Climate Matters bulletin to nearly 4,000 recipients who have requested to receive it. More than half are media professionals, while others are climate communicators in NGOs, academia, government, and business. Each bulletin includes multiple high-quality visuals, key concepts, experts to interview, and methodology. Most weeks, the visuals and analyses provide information at a locally-specific level. When we have more to say on a particular topic than fits into a bulletin, we simultaneously release a short report with additional content. We also provide extensive trainings for media and non-media organizations on climate science, impacts and solutions. To date, Climate Matters has focused on the U.S., but we have done some work internationally and have inspired some international counterparts (e.g., in Australia). We are also exploring expansion to additional countries.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.