Climate and Environment Program in Central Asia: Communication for Climate and Awareness (C4CA)

Climate and Environment Program in Central Asia: Communication for Climate and Awareness (C4CA)

The project promotes climate resilience, green growth, and sustainable development by engaging with and raising awareness among Central Asia policymakers, civil society, academia, media, youth, and affected communities while facilitating regional dialogue, knowledge exchange, and the adoption of climate-resilient and circular economy models

Washington | Started on 01/01/2020 – Concluded on 30/06/2025

Part of the World Bank’s Climate and Environment Program in Central Asia, the Communication for Climate and Awareness (C4CA) and Resilient Landscapes (Resiland CA+) focuses on raising awareness of and advocating for climate resilience, green growth, and landscape restoration in Central Asia to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It engages with policymakers, civil society, media, youth, and affected communities to promote common understanding and climate and environmental action. The project facilitates regional dialogue and knowledge exchange on transboundary climate issues, green growth, circular economy, urban air pollution management, sustainable management of natural resources, and resilient landscape restoration.

The project has reached millions in Central Asia and globally through key messaging on climate and environmental issues. It actively promotes Central Asia in global environmental forums and reaches out to non-traditional stakeholders. Some specific activities include the Global Disruptive Technology Challenge for Landscape Restoration of the Aral Sea, training of journalists and media actors on communicating climate change related issues, piloting AnchorEd Schools for resilience in Central Asia, supporting green and resilient recovery in Uzbekistan through policy dialogues, and regional/international knowledge sharing on landscape degradation and restoration such as in the recent Central Asian Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023). Strategic communications and media engagement are integral to the project’s activities.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.