Erosion – a photo exhibition about the effects of and adaptation to climate change

Erosion – a photo exhibition about the effects of and adaptation to climate change

An innovative communication effort, mixing documentary photography, personal narratives and scientific information, with the aim of making the climate issue less abstract for people along the shorelines of Skåne, southern Sweden

Five coastal cities of Skåne, Southern Sweden: Ystad, Höganäs, Helsingborg, Simrishamn and Malmö. | 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021

The photo exhibition “Erosion” documents the effects of climate change and shows what can be done to handle it. Within this century, global sea levels are expected to rise by at least 1,1 m for every degree °C of global average warming. Recently, researchers have warned that luring tipping points such as the collapse of ice sheets at the poles could cause even higher and faster increases. This is an existential challenge for humanity. In Sweden, Skåne and Halland are the coasts worst affected by erosion.

The travelling exhibition invites the visitor to a journey through Skåne’s coastal landscape. This coast forms a large part of local people’s identity. All of us who live, work, walk, sail and live our lives here have a relationship with the sea and the shoreline.

The exhibition portrays the process of erosion (worsened by sea level rise), the people who are affected by it and individuals who are actively working to meet the challenge of land vanishing into the sea. Nature photography, personal portraits and narratives are interspersed with facts on sea level rise, adaptation strategies and the importance of taking decisions with a longtime perspective.

Granath’s artistic expression and SMHI’s science provide a mix of impressions that is different from earlier traditional science communication and pure art. By appealing to both the heart and the mind it shows the effects of climate change, the need to deal with them and how we work today to reduce them. “Erosion” indicates what we have to do to reinvent ourselves in a warmer world.

The travelling exhibition tours along Skåne’s coastline, starting at Ystad, continuing to Höganäs, Helsingborg and Simrishamn with the final stop in Malmö from the 24 October; United Nations Day. It contains 40 posters 70×100 cm in weather persistent material that are displayed outdoors on beaches and in harbors. It is free of admission, open 24/7, and corona safe.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.