CRESCENDOschools – European network of Schools for Earth System Modelling and Climate Change

CRESCENDOschools – European network of Schools for Earth System Modelling and Climate Change

In CRESCENDOschools the students increased the scientific understanding of global climate change by interacting with researchers, learning new skills and having fun

European | 10 January 2017 – 31 December 2020

CRESCENDOschools was the European network of Schools for Earth System Modelling and Climate Change created under the European Union Horizon 2020 research project CRESCENDO – Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach. During 4 years, from 2016 to 2020, Schools within this network have explored the science of global change and the scientific modelling techniques Earth system scientists use to understand and predict climate change. Through CRESCENDOschools the students explored the science of global change and the scientific modelling techniques CRESCENDO’s scientists use to understand and predict climate change. In the course of 5 years over 200 students were involved in the CRESCENDOschools network and had the chance to meet climate researchers and discussed the causes, impacts, adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Students proactively worked with researchers, but mostly among themselves, to develop resources suitable for use by science students at similar stages in their education. Some of the most relevant results from the CRESCENDOschools network are: – A collection of “Teach your parents” infographics, based on IPCC’s special report on 1.5˚C findings – the students from Luleå high-school in Sweden felt that their parents weren’t sufficiently aware of the threat posed by climate change so they decided to produce materials for their parents instead. – A musical about climate change – students from the École Jeannine Manuel in Paris have written, produced and performed a musical entitled 2100. The musical was presented several times at the school and also to CRESCENDO scientists at the project’s General Assembly in September 2017. – The video “If Earth was human…” by students from Zhani Ciko high school from Fier, Albania, was the winner of the CRESCENDOschools’ contest on climate communication. The students were invited to present their video during the Climateurope Festival in Belgrade.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.